International Bridge Trieste, Italy-Mexico
Publicación de las obras y descripción del proyecto
Con esta importante colaboración que incluye la edición del catálogo y la realización de la muestra en suelo coahuilense, el Museo Arocena da un paso más hacia su internacionalización y así, refrenda su compromiso permanente con la cultura y la educación.
Book 1
The content of the book is organized macro to micro, the first book I designate it as: "Study of Microscopic Universe": Scientific Thinking, Thinking of art and Proposal Art @ Science. Where I intend to release a project of cultural diffusion that is premised arouse curiosity in science, and inspire artists in the world of science also to popularize science through art...
From the Beginning CAOS-COSMOS
Book 2
The second book designate it as: "The study of the universe Macroscopic level" in the first part I will poetically announce the origin of the universe Chaos - Cosmos as a manifestation of artistic and poetic reflection exercise. This project is a proposed artwork invites penetrate and get lost in the transformation of matter, form, energetic strength and integrity, explored universes of matter in which the viewer will discover, its resonance and identity of its truth...
Poetic-Theoretical Multiscale MODEL
Book 3
In the third book, I raised communicate the first results of the research, Morphogenesis, as “Origin of the form as Superstructure" as urgent need to inquire into the origins of the form and structure in terms of mental processes perception and creation. The aim is to use the fields of Art@ Science to offer incentives that help us to have a more critical look on things, increasing the awareness of what we are and what we do...